Approved Research
Genetic and meta-analysis to identify markers associated with low back pain as part of the FP7 Pain-omics study
Principal Investigator: Professor Frances Williams
Approved Research ID: 18219
Approval date: July 28th 2020
Approved Research ID: 18219
Approval date: July 28th 2020
Lay summary
We wish to perform genetic analysis and meta-analysis to identify markers associated with low back pain as part of the FP7 Pain_omics study. In addition, we would like to examine environmental risk factors for low back pain.
We also would like to analyse intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) as one of the strongest predictors of low back pain. In particular, we would like to carry out large genome-wide association study for IDD and estimate genetic correlations between IDD, low back pain and putative risk factors.