Approved Research
Integration of genetic information in cataracts investigation.
Lay summary
This project tries to address aspects of cataracts that are not yet clear due to our reliance on surgical intervention. We aim to use genetics to understand the link between child, diabetes and ageing related forms of cataract. We also plan to use the genetic information together with clinical and lifestyle information to develop an algorithm able to provide an early prediction of different forms of cataract. Finally, we will try to identify lifestyle factors that we can modify to prevent, or delay, cataract development.
We aim for the PhD project to last 36 months, allowing additional 12 months to complete the publication of the relevant results.
One of the supervisors of this project is a clinician which will help the student develop a prediction algorithm that addresses the needs of clinical practice. We also will engage with patients' groups and public health organisations to notify them of our finding on potential prevention, or delay, of cataracts.