Approved Research
The relationship of ADHD symptoms and genetic propensity with nutritional status, health behavior and incident dementia in middle- age and old- adults: a longitudinal study.
Approved Research ID: 83146
Approval date: April 4th 2023
Lay summary
While the health consequences of ADHD in children are well known, only few studies focused on adults, for whom ADHD is underdiagnosed. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship of ADHD symptoms and ADHD genetic propensity with nutritional status, health behavior and incident dementia in middle- age and old- adults in order to identify population at risk and promote health intervention.
The study will include two parts: 1. A longitudinal study that will examine the relationship of ADHD symptoms with nutritional status, health behavior and incident dementia in a randomly sample of middle- age and old- adults based on the UK Biobank. 2. A longitudinal study that will examine the relationship of ADHD genetic propensity with all those outcomes.
Findings from these studies will allow a better understanding of ADHD consequences on nutritional and life-style factors and on brain health during older adulthood, and may promote healthy aging through personalized interventions in ADHD adults.